Professional Flooring Installation & Repair Services

& restretching Repairs

Over time your carpet may develop ripples and “bumps” as the fibers and padding settle under the carpet. Sometimes this can be caused by moving moving heavy furniture across the carpet and the weight of the furniture can result in the carpet being pulled away from the initial installation tacks or nails, depending on how the installation was performed. We have a process of being able to re-stretch the carpet and restore it to its original appearance! Contact us today and inquire about our Carpet Re-stretching repair service.

flooring Solutions

Do you have high-traffic areas that result in that carpeted area being a full time task to keep clean? Imagine the ease of maintaining that area with ease by installing tile or laminate flooring to that area! Let’s face it– carpet is not the best flooring solution for all areas of your home– kitchens, bathrooms, foyers, and other high traffic areas can really do a number on carpet. That’s where ceramic tile, laminate, and other low maintenance solutions become the best choice alternative to carpet!
Whether you are renovating your home or business or simply making it easier on yourself to keep your floors nice and clean, exploring a nice tile or laminate solution is a great choice! We have a wide range of options to select from, and we’ll help you make the best decision for your budget and your decor!

Repair Services

There is no denying that a hardwood floor solution adds beauty and elegance to your home! However,even normal wear and tear and high traffic can turn your hardwood flooring into a disaster! Scratches from furniture or even high traffic can create deep marks and indentions in your hardwood flooring and make it appear less stunning than it once appeared. Also, extended esposre to the elements and moisture can cause your hardwood floors to bow up or separate from each other. Many causes can be found that will result in your hardwoods losing their luster, but we are able to do repairs to hardwoods that will bring them back to the state they were previously. We are skilled at replacements, sanding, and staining to match your exisiting flooring. Have hardwoods that need some tender loving care? Let us take a look and help you get them back to their beautiful state.